Adjustable Cable Jacket Stripper for UTP/STP, Round, Flat Wire

Adjustable Cable Jacket Stripper for UTP/STP, Round, Flat Wire
Adjustable Cable Jacket Stripper for UTP/STP, Round, Flat Wire
Item # TL-405
Price: $5.99

Product Details

Adjustable Cable Jacket Stripper for UTP/STP, Round, Flat Wire, TL-405 

This wire stripper and cutter is ideal for stripper the outer jacket for round cables like the utp/stp network round data communication wire, flat telephone wire, computer multi-conductor wire. Features replaceable Sharp SK-2 blades..
Easy to use, just rotate the tool 1 to 3 time with the index finger to strip the outer jacket.


  • UTP, STP, DATA communication and network wire
  • Telephone flat wire
  • Stripper and cutter with replaceable SK-2 blades
  • Small, Light and easy to use
  • Dimension: 4.5" x 2" x 0.5"

CablesOnline Part Number: TL-405